VacBoil Refrigeration
 After exploring the effect of lowering the pressure above a water within a sealed negative pressure chamber...then causing the water to act as a refrigerant , a self sustaining refrigeration system conceived to then also produce excess electricity , cold water out flow  ,( dehumidification - water harvesting) , and cold air for refrigeration can be a useful system to reduce the cost and reliability problem of food storage unlimited potable water and electrical current availability in certain weather situations.. Ever loose the food in the refrigerator and or freezer during a power outage the caused by inclement weather? Also think about the current method regarding refrigerators...they are used for a period of time then discarded / recycled and or sent to the landfill to then just a waste disposal problem...We are then allowing for an alternative condition to then form from the use of these systems.. After the homeowner has used the unit for it's service life the systems can be reclaimed then to be used for water harvesting for distributed water collection and water desalination to increase the availability of clean water for agriculture..... caused distributed water and electricity  availability with refuse.... Also the distributed availability for heat displacement can be used to then protect agricultural crops against cold.. ie. frost protection / freeze protection..... with plastic heat retainer tents / plastic sheets used above the plants...

* The system can be clean water / saline water / refrigerant ( argon ) also requiring some flow system modification the the schematic/ or just air as the operating system fluid.. :)

* Also since this refrigeration system is self sustained it has a zero carbon dioxide foot print ( zero emissions ) . This also then allow the system to waste energy at no expense...  In a refrigerator the gas produced from food  ( ethylene ) causes the food to spoil more quickly and over the span of millions of house holds this then can slow the wasted food from a correct design system. The ethylene then vents via system in number 18 also into the connected  drain system connected to the house drain then venting into the open air upon the exterior of the house not to enter the sewer..

* Note - Since saline vapor at velocity causes static charges to occur , correct static electricity harvesting must be within the system components and the saline water must produce no combustible components may then be formed within the interior of the tube flow cycle.... liquid Argon may then be used in lieu of saline. Other non hazardous ecologically  friendly standard refrigerant may also be used.

 Slight design modifications to the depicted system become required  if using a refrigerant and or argon. A tap to the door upon number 37 and a floor for water catch directly above the taper at number 36 , to separate the clean water then from the refrigeration system cycle gas, will be required. The water tube from number then water tank containing the hatch number 37 will will then have number 36 ( water drain max fill line then above the hatch number 37...with the addition of water outlet tube  line then below the hatch number 37 yet above the additional floor , feeding piped clean dehumidified water through a tube the couples with 109  and  enters the in -line water filter to then cycle to the top of the refrigerator. The pump number 40 then has a tube exhaust and a union coupling to then connect to an additional flow pipe with a one way valve that then has another connecting tube / pipe then entering the cooling chamber within the "inner bottle" to then cause the refrigerant into negative pressure flow systems. With the above modification ...number 86 water over flow return tube will also then be moved to then enter the water holding tank above the taper as depicted (ie. above number 36  additional floor / installed with argon and or refrigerant gas cycle systems....) .

The modified water tank then may also have division baffle to then cause two compartments within the chamber then with an addition of a hot water side to then yield constant run hot water out put ( also with max pressure safety relief valve then with controlled venting discharge) then heating element then mounted upon the hatch number 37 and fed electric current to then heat the water via electric resistance heating element also then not directly in contact with the water but rater within a containing tube that will also have venting via small hole ports... and then the element containing pipe chamber will be regulated for the temperature range by thermostat and logic circuits.

 Additional pumping for the hot water side of the modified chamber will then be by electric water pump and required flow direction valving. The division baffle will then have small arches upon the base to allow the cold water side to" leak" transfer to the hot side..... the dehumidification cooling condenser is then also within a separate cavitation to prevent cross contamination is possible refrigerant leak should occur yet able to  cause the cold side of the water tank containing number 37 to cause condensation and fill the water tank....

* Also note the system electrical ground does connect to the house electrical ground  with in the circuit breaker box / fuse box not to build capacitance or build static electricity.

* Note - The flow pipes then dipped (exterior surface )  in non conductive ( electrical insulator )
              stainless steel  metal piping and fittings of brass are acceptable flow tubes and electrically grounded,
              ( interior surface conductive and electrically grounded ),  An additional   insulator , for further protection due to effects of time....,
              is an additional replaceable tape wrapping ( also non conductive electrically ) will then wrap around the dipped
             components and exposed metal fittings upon the flow system.

* Note - The generator / magneto are also on sealed gas (argon)  pressurized type not to vent Ozone into the dwelling....

* Note - High speed components also have component fracture / failure containment casing to exceed the required operating parameters regrading centripetal force involved at
             maximum rotation rates...

System Objective;

1. Produce "sustained"  fuel less clean electricity ( 120v Ac output )

2. Unlimited  filtered clean water from dehumidification
3. Air filtration / ionization / forced air heating and air conditioning ( for the kitchen and attached rooms.... ) .


* A manual start cycle a foot pump then causing air pressure within containment tank to then vent  ( via valve actuation ), unto an impeller  causing rotation to then also connected to amplification gear set and yields  rotation of an air pump then causing evacuation of air from the inner chamber to cause start vacuum within the inner chamber . This causes component "Z" to then begin it's rotation...also then reintroducing it's generated electricity into it's electric drive motor yielding greater vacuum at compounding rate to then also be governed by electronics.  Then causing vacuum flow  by water negative pressure  boil system.

* Within a sealed dual chambered vacuum chamber ...the inner chamber is then evacuated by manual vacuum pump and or then stored pressure venting to cause vacuum,  the inner chamber is evacuated /and or by automatically adjusted system secondary vacuum chamber the vacuum caused by secondary electric vacuum pumping system to then , by valve cause the inner vacuum "bottle" to have vacuum.  Causing  then  the boiling of water by lowering the pressure above the air above  water within the chamber.

*  A slow inlet drag of pneumatic air flow from  mid level vacuum (outer vacuum chamber )... then is also allowed into the inner chamber to then allow / produce rotation of ( Impeller of "z" with discharge of the pneumatic vacuum flow then entering the  inner "bottle" . Dehumidification , then sustained by unbalanced pressure / vacuum cycle then with rotational rate increased by counter "tilting" a ratio gear set with   the high side of the gearing system then impaled by hydraulic flow produced by Dual pressure pressure bottle.  High rate of rotation then upon the high rotation side of component "z" then producing greater negative vacuum within the inner bottle and electrical current  then using the exhaust displacement to produce rotation with pneumatic impeller impaled geared to a generator permanent magnet with magneto producing  Ac ( alternating current ) and or Dc ( Direct current ) at the same time. ( electrical power production regulated by voltage regulator and Dc to Ac current inverter for 120v Ac receptacle for external electricity need ( the "frig" could power warm air heater  (for the room to have warm air ), hot water heater,, Tv , computer...etc... for the room to have warm air ). Augmentation components heater air conditioner may be combined within a single unit so that a dwellings functionality  system requirements can be met by a single product. If sized correctly the system will also then be cost effective to manufacture and retail at reasonable cost.

* Vacuum boiling then  yielding water ice / water + saline ice ...forms "water ice" within the inner chamber encapsulating a cooling transference flow
 tube ( coil tube ) containing saline water that then chills the freezer cooling the dehumidification coil in dehumidification compartment cooling exchanger.., "saline"  then pumped by the draft flow within the ratio gear set within component "z" (pump low side gear set tandem). An  additional "air " pump  for air flow system for filtered air  into dehumidification  +additional water  pump( (intake fresh water bottle)  ie. collected dehumidified fresh water" fresh  water pump driven by the  saline flow tube via hydraulic impeller, to cycle fresh water through filtration and into water chiller to then be dispensed by valve upon the refrigerator.

*The intake to impeller hydraulic, high side ratio gear set , then from hydraulic discharge of a  dual pressurized bottle ( pneumatic pressure atop water mixed with saline  ) pressurized bottle ( manual foot pump for air pressure and electric air compressor system then can fill the bottle. The discharge of pressurized "saline", regulated by valve, flows across the ratio gear set tandem with the high side to counter act the gear set resistance and assist in increasing the vacuum flow rate produced by " Z". the saline discharge ( fluid exhaust ) then to merge with the flow tube system then assisting in the cooling of the dehumidification system within the cooling exchanger increasing fluid flow using compounding adhesion and greater fluid pressure  (rate and velocity to again return to the dual pressure bottle.  Additional pneumatic pump then tandem with the low side of the ratio gear set within component "z" to cause air flow for the dehumidification system. Upon "saline" returning to the dual pressure bottle then with variable return restriction and also "t" split tube system that then feeds cold saline to the cooling coil the travels through the inner "bottle" where the saline ice resides. pressure rated safety valve and redundant safety fault with fluid pressure sensors upon said flow tube to prevent equipment damage and or component keeps the fluid pressure at safe operating levels. Over pressure safety valve then venting ( 2 stage valve )  will then discharge to the dual pressure bottle" and cause system by electric restriction valving within the system to regulate within the required operating parameters..

* An electric "forced air" cycle system by electric motor  will also then assist the cooling of the refrigeration "box" due to more frequent opening and closing of the refrigerator vs. number of opening and closing of the freezer... the blower fan actuated  referencing the thermostat triggering the electronic mapping circuits to cause rotation of the blower fan dropping the "box" temperature quickly.

* Salt / saline water with velocity flow then would freeze at lower temperature than water alone... allowing for the freezer to be at zero degrees C ( Celsius ).  The air  flap between the refrigerator freezer ( with  lamp both in the frig box and freezer ) , will allow for regulated temperature to then chill the air in the refrigerator / frig "box".

* The generated current , from "z's compressor, is then also able to be reintroduced to the electric motor upon the circumference of the inlet pneumatic impeller   ( circumference of component "Z" pneumatic impeller ) to cause greater excess electricity from "z" compressor ... "Z's" compressor ( diameter / generator circumference ). The electrical current then used for the thermostat control system and system mapping control system /  logic "start " circuit board "electronics". The excess electricity also used for forced for heating air conditioning and water filtration of the collected moisture from dehumidification. (  filtered water then  then pumped by electric motor...water also then to fill the ice trays automatically when empty ice cube is then detected within the tray within the freezer by distance detecting light pulse and receiver .... :)

* Velocity flow of both pneumatic and hydraulic  flow systems ( cooling exchangers / air flow for dehumidification/  Both fluid excitation ( velocity of flow ) and pneumatic flow via impeller and pumping system for the cooling exchanger to then cool the refrigeration "insulated box" and the freezer chamber while causing dehumidification / ie the collection and production of water , then also filtered, into an internal water storage tank with tap to then be able to fill large water storage tank. Also in addition to the "exciter pump will then be a "z" component  ( Small ) for the vacuum producing system. ( containing electrical current reintroduction within "z" to then cause greater vacuum to then cause "constant run" / ie sustained high vacuum within the inner chamber of the vacuum "boil bottle" caused by the high side rotational component of "Z" . negative pressure intake of component "Z" compressor the from the inner chamber vacuum bottle drafting the impeller on the low side of the connected gear set also assisted by the electric motor upon it's circumference...the then pneumatic discharge post compressor upon the high side of component "Z" then to cause rotation of impeller system to cause additional electricity production for use with the systems augments  ( room heater / air conditioner / exterior 120v Ac receptacle  and so on .....

* system  comes with scented air filters to mask odors and or cause pleasant aroma within the kitchen... like cookies baking , floral,  or traditional holiday scents...

* system comes with remote control to adjust the temperature settings and  other contained functions within the design systems.

* additional distillation system ( by electricity )  then inserted upon all water intake tubes into the reservoir number 9.

A two "z" frig.... "Z" component illustrated upon

* This system is also then a micro desalination system to then make fresh water from salt water ( if salt water is filled in number 84), on a fuel less platform by off setting "a static" within
    a pressure cycle.

* System as depicted below is for water cycle and or air ( will self fill water....)

Parts List.

1. Foot pump access hatch
2. Water dispenser catch tray
3. Cold water dispenser flow cycle post distillation system
4. Information display panel with remote control receiver
5. Ice cube "bin" fills from automatic ice maker
6. Ice cube maker plus freezer box negative pressure vacuum pump ( pulls vacuum within the freezer box )
7. Plant tray
8. Tube type - Plant grow  lamps, sum of two
9. Clean water refrigerator holding tank
10. Freezer " insulated box" with hinged door and gasket to prevent cold air loss ( the freezer unit is also a " ice producing and "vacuum" negative atmospheric water boil boil
      bottle then with the outer surface of the bottle able to have a forced "air" electric motor driven blower fan upon it to cool the freezer past and or at  freezing...the
      "freezer bottle ( ie frost bottle )" is  then automatically filled with water / regulated and monitored  ( to activate automatic filling ) and  vacuum then flow line the regulated
      by adjustment dampener valve  number 101 and connected to both number 33's ... ie.. where the freezer flow line connects to  the "VacBoil"  bottle... will have a thermally
      conductive containment for cold outer  surface yet also be able to  expand in certain regions due to the effect of the nature if water ice itself
11. Door handle with air inlet trigger  ( releases the refrigerators vacuum pressure by letting air into the refrigerator / freezer )
12. Refrigerator "insulated "box" with hinged door and gasket to prevent cold air loss
13. Door hinge
14. Cold or hot air exhaust vent ( with scented exhaust filter ( number 22 ).
15. Filter covered air intake ( filter restricts intake air flow )
16. Air ionizer
17. Cold interior sliding container " colder food "bin"
18.  Condensation collection system... pumps water condensation to house drain and ethylene to outside dwelling to open air,  from the refrigerators interior at base of the
       refrigerator water exhaust to house drain
20. 120 Ac ( alternating current ) receptacle slightly recessed with hinged  flap lid cover with rubber flex protecting the hinges upon the top side of the receptacle
21. Adjustable screw leveling "foot"
22. Scented filters ( exhaust air flow )
23. Electric servo motor for circular disk  "gate" valve
24. Disk gate valve
25. Disk gate valve positioned by gear teeth ( circumference ) driven by electric motor connected to drive gear
26. Electric motor connected to drive gear interfacing disk gate valve number 25  with gear teeth about circumference
27. One way flow valve
28. Wire "bus" ribbon connector
29. Cooling radiator
30. Pneumatically driven "blower" fan
31. Pneumatically driven gear box ( drives "blower" fan ) with heat dissipation fins
32. Max pressure safety valve  ( prevents over pressure within number 31, vents to prevent excess Ozone within the system.),
33. Air filter
34. Stator wire "bus" connector ( field coil wire +/ - )
35. Wire "bus" connector ( + / - )
36. Max water line out to storage tank and or to drain
37. Access hatch ( securing bolts ) Clean out port ( system required cleaning periodically )
38. Tap ( water out )
39. Water  intake screened inlet
40. Fresh Water  - Water pump
41. Ratio gear set 1:50 ( high side gearing to number 42 )
42. Air pump causes vacuum
43. water trap ( p - trap )
45. In - Line water filter ( reverse osmosis )
46. Melt water catch tub
47. Electric resistance heater element
48. "Inner bottle " ultra high vacuum" chamber also containing saline with water " Boil Bottle" Start pressure 8 lbs. ( pounds ) psi.
       (per square inch  filled into cap one way valve in cap 87 ).
49." Outer bottle "  vacuum chamber
50. Outer vacuum bottle bore tube inlet to the draft impeller chamber
51. Silicone oil venturi compounding funnel additional over pressure oil pressure relief valve then with tube and one way valve upon the flow tube then
      venting into the dual component pressure tank number 70 ( the one way valve contains fault sensor causes system to adjust for safe operation )
52. impeller / pump and drive line differential gear system
53. Impeller ( diameter ) electric motor ( circumference ) wire winding sealed from vapor flow including the commutator
54. Ratio gear box with air pump low side and oil impeller high side of the ratio gear set
55. Vacuum producing compressor ( diameter ) electricity generator ( circumference ) wire winding  sealed from vapor flow..including the commutator
56. Multi port one way valve plate
57. Velocity flow meter
58. Mixer Unit Saline Water
59. 3 valve  unit velocity and merge cycles... mixes flows separate flow fluids one for fresh water / air...  allows for crossing of flow cycle metered to keep the ice occurring in
      number 48 ( flow control unit )
60. Vacuum draft control unit ( electric )
61. Generator cooling coil
62. High Voltage electricity generator
63. permanent magnet "Magneto"
64. Hall effect R.P.M. Sensor ( reports to system logic mapping electronics , controls system rate )
65. Vacuum pump
66. Water pump  ( water plus Saline )
67. 1:8 ratio gear set , high side to number 66
68. Hydraulic impeller ( silicone oil )
69. Pneumatic impeller
70. Dual component pressure "bottle" ( oil pressure and pneumatic "air" pressure )
71. Silicone oil
72. Air pressure
73. over pressure  / max pressure safety valve ( vents air pressure )
74 Pneumatic flow directional valve ( controlled by cord number 75 and lever  multiple positional  settings  , lever upon front of the Refrigerator
75. Actuation cord , positions valve
76. Actuation cord , positions valve
77. Pneumatic valve , multi positional valve
78. Piston type air pump ( foot pedal actuation )
79.  Coil spring within cloth retainer ( spring pushes upward )
80.  Air pump foot pedal connecting assembly ( also locks within guide tracks )
81. Voltage regulator
82. Saline  water cooling coil ( tube )
84. Fresh water reservoir
85. Fresh water flow tube
86. Water over flow "return" tube
87. Pressurized screw cap for Saline water mix
88. Saline water flow tube
89. Vacuum flow tube
90. Vapor exhaust from boil  / exhaust from 52 then as safety valve  "dump" pressure  regulation  safety system " blow down cycle"  vapor and air pressure ie flow as follows
      90 exhaust 27 one way valve to 77 plus additional flow tube 90 to inner high vacuum bottle  with spring closed dampener valve ( opens with high pressure) ,.  keeps the vapor
      cycling correctly...  ( vapor does not mix into the dual oil / air pressure pressure bottle.... )
91. Saline water flow tube
92. Impeller / pump assembly
93. Wire "bus" connector for heater element ( +/ - )
94. One way valve air inlet ( intake for the piston type  pedal foot actuated air pump ).
95. Foot pedal ( actuation for the piston type air pump )
96. Flow tube to over pressure safety valve / pneumatic flow tube
97. Oil pressure feed tube
98. Oil return tube
99. Exhaust oil flow tube
100. Silicone oil feed tube
101. dampener cord controls air intake level
102. Valve  Hydraulic ( silicone oil ) electric actuation variable flow rate splits and feeds tube number 100 and impeller in number 54
103. Screened pneumatic exhaust port
104. Pneumatic pressure / velocity feed tube
105. Pneumatic  safety vent valve  ( regulates in tube air pressure ) relieves number 48 "inner bottle" vents to outer bottle"chamber"
106. cooling flow control switch valve ( electric )
107. Ambient air pneumatic air intake tube
108. Wire "bus" connector ( + / - )
109. Coupling ( tube union )
110.  Cooling radiator
111. Pneumatic pressure tube flexible hose
112.  Electric resistance heater elements ( quartz ) redundant ( ie. more than one element )
113. Vacuum level sensor ( reports to logic /mapping electronics vacuum level )
114. Wire "bus" connector " multi wire ribbon"

* Note - system components within number 52 are as follows;
line in ( tube) 51 in to trapazoid ( pump ) to tube 58
line in ( tube ) 90 in to trapazoid vapor impeller to tube 90 outlet
line from 90 then merging with 91 in combines vapor  flow tube then entering  trapazoid vapor impeller then vapor exits via tube number 91 then branches into two flow tubes and the vapor then flow into the rest of the system.

* over pressure safety pressure relief valves are also contained within number 52 and direct over pressurization to their correct respective containment location ... ie..oil to oil
   tank... vapor to number 48.

* Note - Due to the nature of the acceleration cycle being a ,velocity compounder ( ie continual oil velocity rate increase ), the additional "gain" of upward oil flow can be utilized
             to then accelerate the cold air discharge to cause a "delay" to the assist in balancing the oil flow rate.... with an additional hydraulic  oil driven blower
             fan "interior atop", center... and safety system controlling over pressurization....

* Note -  number 90 out becomes 91 in circular tube with in number 54....  compounds vapor......

Geoengineering - Climate Change Mitigation

Design Desk Inc.