Design Desk Inc.

Geoengineering - Climate Change Mitigation

Semiconductor Road Tar

Currently, in winter months of the year the interstate highway is inundated with multiple traffic fatalities due to inclement weather. Heating the road is the solve .

The problem with heating the road way regarding the volume of work / cost / and method, first is the electricity cost, with our system applied the solve for the first part is then presented .

The method then also includes a change in material for the roads surface. Ice and snow along with the salting and thermal extremes surface of the road require repeated maintenance at the public's expense.

With less thermal stress the roads will last longer. Also by negating the expansion of ice getting into cracks in the road the pot holes that form from freezing water will occur at a lessened rate.

A conductive road tar that causes a warming effect like an electric resistor ( like a stove element ) will allow for quick application with minimal additional labor.

A "doped conductive silicate " material  ( sand sprayed with a conductive "doped" resin..) will work. Ever hear of a silicone chip? Glass itself is an insulator yet with a resistor as a resin then applied to, it becomes electrically conductive and will heat up. 

The "tar" will also include an Ultraviolet light ( UVA / UVB ) inhibitor as  a decomposition prevention additive that will be added atop the "doped" semiconductor resistor electrified by the fuel less generator systems.

The  advanced product  then causes the road way to remain above freezing temperature with resilience to light radiation / molecular breakdown as the base tar is a hydrocarbon product that does decay in sunlight.

The "tar" itself ( hydrocarbon asphalt ) also is not conductive electrically yet the binder for the silicate ( "doped tar / electrically conductive resin " ) will be! Like a substrate under layer. The application, then with  a conductive binder ( electrically ) then is the "doped tar".

The main advantage of this type of system is ease of application ( wide span deposition ) also the design concept is different from using independent electric resistors, the entire substrate then will conduct so an independent resistor failure will not then cause a repair requirement due to the possibility of producing a slick spot of ice if a wire resistor ( heating element ), fails.