Design Desk Inc.

Geoengineering - Climate Change Mitigation

Redesigned Wheel
       The "Redesigned Wheel" is an electric propelled pneumatic generator cycle that self pressurizes to produce electricity to then be applied to two electric drive motors to cause the wheel to then rotate and have motion. The "Redesigned Wheel" then becomes the automobile  / bicycle / motorcycle tire and  .."drive motor" itself.  Also then allowing for multiple source production of electricity / pathways of operation with  redundancy in application.

       The system will have quick part and component exchange, drive motor, is as simple as changing a tire.  This reduces the repair time and also is a fuel less self sustained unlimited range electric car.

       The design below as a motor cycle or bicycle... then allows for a seed feeder for agricultural planting mechanism  where the motor exist in standard motorcycle configuration.

       In addition also as a storage space for small inflatable dome house composed of the spiraling hemispheres two exterior spiraling hemispheres and the inner a larger spiraling coiled hemisphere... then made to plastic sheet tubing with two 1 1/2" tubes atop a 3" tube with plastic holes to allow for piercing pin that locks upon it's underside with a quick release washer causing a re-usable plastic snap. "Prefab" holes 3/16"upon the length of one side  edge (1/2") of the roll (4" total roll width ) spaced at 6" intervals.

     This allows for the distance of material to be effectively stored in the given space. :) The outer smaller tubes then will be able to accept water via multiple spring actuated valves allowing flow in both direction yet only determined by the position of the presence of a spring loaded valve ( one way flow until manually opened for water release by lever, to freeze and or insulate  and rigid the structure as well as UVA UVB / sunscreen liquid added to the water. The solution will be plant based an non toxic to the environment when safely discharged to the ground. so fill it up in place let it freeze then concrete cover with chicken wire reinforcement and water seal with an acrylic top coat then earth cover to the correct distance referencing the thickness of concrete.

       The design also as a low cost !!!  storm safe !!!  possible perma- shelter for harsh condition...with wire mesh and concrete exterior covering and earth atop ..... Materials dragged in the tow behind trailer multi use disassembled as doors and window shutters ... The dome will have fold out plastic mounting strips for one door ( length  of the trailer/ door is the trailer bed ) and multiple operable plastic glass windows with storm shutters as the sides of the "tow behind " trailer. The trailer drive shaft system to then be converted to the permanent water harvesting  and electricity production systems electrical source current system ie. to power a generator and  dehumidification system. When constructing the dome a center pin , with the top of the pin slightly above the ground with string attached to then give the radius of the dome as the slightly inflated plastic tube is then coiled into it's dome shape then being secured with the fasteners to lock it into it's position.

      The saddle  bags ( hard storage behind  behind the seats) contain  water tanks with dehumidification systems in the lids on the saddle  bag hard storage bins with water pumping capacity and small water  diameter hose of adequate length to reach the top of the dome.  Also in tool bin within the saddle bags  repair flexible rubber tape to correct a hose breech. ... or upon it for a motor cycle.

       For the bicycle a small "drag" dynamo combined with air pump. The dynamo will power helmet lamp,  head lamp and tail lamps/ breaking lamps, turn signal, horn  and marker lamps.

Parts list

1. Electronics ( control system for generator and electric motor functions )

2. Air pump ( centrifugal compressor )

3. Generator / Compound magneto

4. 1:20 ratio gear set high side to number 3 ( also contains pneumatic impeller then rotating tandem with number 3 ie upon the high side of the ratio gear set)

5. Electric motor

6. Pneumatic impeller ( centrifugal compressor )

7. Electric drive motor / generator also as electric wheel slowing break

8. R.P.M.( revolutions per minute ) sensor [ hall effect ]

9. 20:1 ratio gear set with electromagnetic clutch pneumatic impeller upon the input side of the ratio gear set ( ie. the 20 ) the output of the gear set then connected to the drive
   gear, number 28, motivating upon  the  optional ( stationary ) circular ring gear . Alternately the stationary ring gear may then  with electromagnetic clutch be motivated by
   additional electric motor.

10.  Breather ports ( ie allows air in and out of the wheel an the ports are upon the system casing /  mag style solid wheel cap sum of two  ( ie. upon each side of the drive system )

11. 1:20  ratio gear set with electromagnetic clutch the output of the gear set then connected to the drive gear, number 28, motivating  the circular ring gear ( circular ring gear then
      causes the wheel to rotate )

12. Electric drive motor

13. "Start" dynamo

14. 1:4 ratio gear set  ( high side to the dynamo ( connected by drive shafts ) with pneumatic impeller tandem rotating  upon the high side of the gear set.

15. Centrifugal pneumatic impeller ( pneumatic intake)  is channeled from the pneumatic pressure discharging from the 1:4 ratio gear set.

16. Differential gear system  with rotational amplification gearing  1:10 / and solenoid clutch system , will not  run all the time( drives the piston type air compressor crank shaft )

17. Pneumatic intake centrifugal compressor ( feeds higher pneumatic pressure to the intake of the piston type air compressor )

18. Air compressor piston chamber and  cylinder head with valving and sealed lubrication ( piston is also lubricated from internal oil pump )

19.  Air filter air intake

20. Pneumatic pressure "bottle"

21. Over pressure safety valve , pressure relief valve

22. Pneumatic pressure "tube" allows for compounding pneumatic velocity

23. Multi slot current transfer "slip ring"

24. Manual fill valve port for pneumatic one way valve

25. Pressure "Bottle" P.S.I. ( pounds per square inch ) pressure sensor port ( reports to the electronics system mapping circuit control board)

26. Electric actuation pneumatic flow control valve ( two intake singular exhaust )

27. Electric actuation pneumatic flow control valve

28. Drive gear

29. Impeller gear ( drives the piston type air compressor )

30. Speedometer impeller gear

31. Speed sensor ( electric ) reports to logic board

32. Ball bearing bearing race ( sealed grease lubrication )

33. Hub mounting brackets also connects tot he circular gear then stationary in reference to the frame / automotive body

34. Inverted / inverse electric motor armature circumference ( rotates the wheel ) field coil - stator core shaft "hub" / with commutator

35. Fixed or advancing  field coil electric motor /stator / field coil / may be used for the front wheel hub drive system for automobile. The connecting thru shaft Cv joints ( with boots )
     the are also then  connected to a standard electric motor with dual drive shaft output and advancing field coil by high speed electric motor with advancing field coil then driven
     by pneumatic  impeller then rotated by the same pneumatic pressure cycle within the wheels, then pneumatic impeller  attached to the pneumatic flow tube number 22 between
      number 6 and  number 2 and is advancing the high speed electric motor's stator by vacuum via then interlocked drive  gear then as "circular gear" as depicted below locking / driving
     a gear  around the circumference of the high speed electric motor.

     The high speed electric motor then is connected, by drive shaft and dual 90 degree rotational torque transference,
     then engages the  main electric motor field coil . stator circumference. The main electric motor then with dual drive shaft output connected to the Cv ( constant velocity joints )
    with  forward advancing Stator , then drive shaft connecting from the Cv joint to the wheel hub within the Redesigned wheel  ie.  center "hub" field coil / stator ( armature the
    larger circumference and rotating the wheel...... / draft pressure / negative pressure/ suction.  ( This allows for the omission of the  automotive transmission )

36. Tire

37. Tire rim

38. Tire tread  with rainbow dots pattern

39.Center system mounting plate and hub system cover mounting brackets

40. One way valve pneumatic

41. Multi "wire" wire ribbon connector

42. Multi "wire" wire ribbon connector to manual controls ( instrumentation and forward electric feed circuit

43. Mounting brackets

44. Center mounting "plate"


      The pneumatic generator upon this system is a "draft" accelerator type with counter "tilt" within the incline of the connecting ratio gear set. ( ie resistance from the amplification of using 1:20 ratio gear set upon the "20" side required more torque upon the low "1" side of the gear set...this is why the pneumatic flow post air pump number 2 then flows across the pneumatic impeller in number 4 tandem rotating with the  "20" side of the ratio gear set..
        This allows for incline of rate and velocity also then with the intake suction of the air pump number 2 , to then cause the pressurized air drafted/ pulled  across number 6, then to cause increased rotational rate of the generator ..The basal pneumatic pressure then in the storage pressure tank will be being sucked out at an inclined rate allowing for more electrical production in the connected generator number 3 .

         So number 5 then electrically powered from the dynamo Dc ( direct current ) system ( number 13,14,and 15 ) by pneumatic discharge the across the pneumatic
 impeller ( number 15  )then producing current ( Dc ) current converted to Ac current ( Alternating current ) by use of the power inverter in the electronics bay ( number 1 ) then causing number 5 to rotate at say 50 R.P.M (with having allowed for number 22 and number 26 to allow pressure into the draft accelerator to pressure required as determined by the operating parameters).

* ( input rotation to number 4 by electrification of number 5, then causing the air pump  ( number 2 centrifugal compressor / turbo air pump) to rotate at 1000 R.P.M. and continuing with rate incline )

       By drafting the air pressure forward by suction ( intake velocity the circumference of the air being pulled into the air pump is then also dragged across the pneumatic
impeller ( number 6 ) at the same distance of circumference then yielding a higher rate of rotation of the air pump and generator...A tilting " incline" is the result due to the air pump's discharge then counter tilting the resistance in the ratio gear set ( via pneumatic impeller tandem rotating upon the high side of the ratio gear set ).

     Then add the magnetic pressure , power to the electric motor number 5, then in a compounding forward advancing fashion . The start point / rate of rotation will then advance in a compounding fashion.

       This provides the forward advancement of electrical pressure within the pneumatic generator's electric motor ( number 5 )  in a forward advancing fashion ( advances the start point of magnetic pressure ).

       Rate increase will continue and be regulated by air flow restriction into the pneumatic impeller number 6.

        Percentile of generated current , in number 3, then is reintroduced into the electric motor , number 5, to compensate for the loading "baug" of the drive motors numbers 7 and 12. This provides a larger power "ban" than is required and will cause the power "ban" ( available high voltage in number 3 ) to increase when loading is placed upon the generator  ( number 3) by increasing the level of electricity from number 3 to number 5 then determined by the loading upon numbers 7 and 12. The system is then "load reactive".

        The electrical current from assembly numbers 13,14,and 15 is then switched form the pneumatic discharge dynamo to the electricity for number 5's rotation then being derived from a percentile of number 3's electrical output.

      The air compressor number 16, 17, and 18 will not have to run all the time...the internal clutch in the piston type air compressor is then disengaged by de-energizing a solenoid.
The flow tubes then electrically grounded to control the formation of static electricity from the air velocity within the tubes.... An "electrical "sink" as capacitor  that will control discharge the excess current as heat and of other function....

       The valve electrical current for the "Start" sequence actuating / causing electrically "hot" components in number 1 and system valves, number 26 and number 27, to then open the dynamo system is then derived from an additional pneumatic pressure tank connected to an additional pneumatic impeller to then cause a dynamo to rotate when actuated by the ignition switch / car key. The system is then referred to as the "start exciter" and it will also allow for air compression itself when the dynamo is then used as a electric motor ( in reverse ) to then also use the pneumatic discharge impeller as a pump to pneumatically recharge the contained pneumatic pressure tank with "start" air pressure.  The valving to cause the retention and or direction of pressure then also has an electric valve to control the one way flow of pneumatic pressure for the "start exciter" intended function. More simply the "start exciter" will be able to also work in reverse to pressurize a pneumatic pressure tank to prepare for the next restart. When it is being used to actuate the cycle it is simply discharging pneumatic pressure to produce electricity , via pneumatic discharge / thru pneumatic pressure tubes, across an pneumatic impeller connected to gearing and a dynamo to cause the valve  / solenoid actuation within the redesigned wheels.

    The "slip ring" ( electrical transference ) will be positioned as to be placed toward the center of the car ( if automobile then also behind the wheel well / to be shielded from water . also final drive shaft wheel bolt mounting cap ( covers  circular array of number 10) , ...The final water safe then be constructed to  reduce possibility of water entering the wheels interior and will pull its intake from the interior of the automobile and vent post max pressure safety system post valve 21 and one way exhaust flap on water cap covering number 10..

    Number 34 , 35,  are of sealed gas type electric motor as well as front forward advancement system as not to produce low level ozone.... Number 3,5,7, 12, and 13 are also of a sealed inert gas type / generator electric motor. It may be possible to cool the gas then using a vacuum pull system to lower the pressure within a chamber to then force cool the motors and generators to the extend the longevity and service life. The additional cooling system would then be powered by the pneumatic  velocity flow with in number 22 via pneumatic impeller then causing low pressure of Argon to cool the system.

      The ring gear is within a sealed greased chamber allowing for the drive tumbler ( with mounting and bearing  races ) that is with sprocket and connected drive chain then being rotated by an additional drag roller wheel with sprocket that rides atop the tire... this advanced the ring gear in a forward advancing fashion to give greater increase of rotation to the tire. The drag roller then also contains a direction reverser ( ie. makes counter clockwise rotation to then become clockwise rotation).

      This advances the "ring gear" in the same direction that the wheel is then being rotated in a compounding fashion.

      The "drag roller" assembly  also contains rotational rate reduction gearing system  ( example if the wheel is rotation 100 times the ring gear will rotate1 time ) the drag roller also contains  a torsion dampener ( connecting coil spring on torque cycle ) to allow for the system not to "pinch" when accelerating.... so that safe chain operation occurs....

      The "drag roller" also has upon it a shock spring  system to ride upon the wheel allowing the drag roller to have vertical movement with an adjustable spring tension system causing the drag roller's wheel greater or less  pressure upon the tire.

      The "drag roller" for automotive applications will then use the roller system with reduction gear and torsion dampener but uses a  drive shaft torque transference with planetary gears ( in lieu of drive chain system ) to advance the ring gear and a automotive rim with a circular cylinder extending off the rim toward the center of the automobile will then be the roller track that the drag roller rides upon.... The automotive model will also advance the ring gear within the redesigned wheel.

     The incline rate effect produced from the drag roller is then balanced by allowing the electromagnetic clutches upon the wheels ratio gear sets ( numbers 9 and 11 ) two internal drive motors / (also breaking generators ) to slip while the wheel is in operation. This allows the vehicle to maintain a constant speed for the weight and incline that the vehicle is traveling upon. The mechanical breaking assembly then being a disk break system, activated by hydraulic pressure, is mounted  upon the outer part of the wheel  ( to the right as depicted upon the "drag roller" ) with the break caliper  and wheel slave hydraulic cylinder then upon a swing arm system to allow for vertical travel. The left side wheels then the mirror depiction for the left wheels of the automobile. The hydraulic break calipers will also contain an electric solenoid to then act as an additional safety feature to compress the break pads upon the break disk should the hydraulic fluid fail to depress the break pads , via hydraulic slave cylinder, upon the break disk.

     The design the safe for snow ice  water and protected from penetration of road salt.....  ( redundant electrical grounding...

        The design may also be implemented for a wheeled chair with wheelie prevention like on drag strip funny cars... also then with enclosed canopy that tilts open and has safety vehicle "roll" protection. This personal vehicle may act as low cost fast safe personal transport with unlimited range.

 The front wheels steer ( rack and pinon / by cable that connects to the steering wheel that is attached to the hinged canopy , the cable then travels back to the rear of the vehicle and returns upon the interior of the vehicle to then attach to the control arm that rotates the rack upon the rack and pinion steering system. )  the front wheels also then a  bit smaller than the redesigned wheel.

 The steering by quad  sum of four independent steel cord system as the canopy hinges upon the wheelie prevention assembly. Also hard manual emergency manual breaking / park break the by steel cord then slowing / locking the wheels upon the wheelie prevention system . The proposed vehicle design then has the sum of six wheels total yet only four upon the "ground" while driving as the wheelie prevention system is slightly elevated in the active run position and lovers in the park and emergency breaking application.

The advanced system may be useful to drive pumps for industrial and or agricultural applications as distillation systems would then be placed by the sea side and the water then pumped up hill into municipal systems and or for refilling  aquifer and or then cleaning the water table cost effective to correct the unwanted effects of "Fracking "  ( Natural gas extraction ) with on site remote independent systems.

The system may also be used large scale for industrial size fuel less "Utility Scale" electrical  power production with the rim then the armature of a large generator and  armature of a magneto..additionally...the casing of the generator then internally (cylinder) of a field coil slightly larger diameter and commutator upon the drive shaft connected to the generators armature. The design also contains a permanent magnet magneto.

Please note the connecting drive shaft the being driven by the drive shaft then rotating tandem with "J" then is with electromagnetic clutch then also driving "E" to advancement as well as the ring gear within the center of the redesigned wheel as flywheel. The ring gear in the redesigned wheel rotates independently of the rest of the flywheel to then give advancement to the fly wheel by the redesigned wheel's drive system then compounding rotational rated atop the ring as it is also rotating.

 The magneto's armature is the same  diameter as the wheel equivalent diameter upon the generator side of the system. The field coil of both the generator and magneto would then be of slightly increased diameter. The permanent magnetic Magneto's electrical output then regulated ( volt regulator )  to then energize the field coil  of the generator yielding  fuel less high density high voltage AC current from the high voltage Ac generator's armature. Unlimited clean electricity.

 Parts List
1. gear
2. gear.
3. drive shaft
4. planetary / differential gear
5. gear

A. automatic automotive transmission
B. combined component  argon ( air pressure ) and silicone oil pressure storage tank
C. torque converter
D. "redesigned wheel" html ( ) as flywheel with gear teeth upon circumference ( the electric current thru bore current transfer slip
      ring then rides atop the back side of the circumference gear between the flywheel and the torque converter , letter "C" .
E. Hydraulic impeller with two tube hydraulic flow tube connecting to the intake hydraulic pressure fitting upon "F". with electromagnetic clutch then driven by core drive
    shaft and advancing "E" when electrified.
F. Hydraulic impeller
G. Hydraulic flow tube
H. hydraulic flow valve
I. pneumatic one way fill valve
J. hydraulic over pressure safety valve  ( connected to both hydraulic impellers "E" and "F" )
K.  automatic transmission rotational torque out put drive shaft connecting to industrial size generation systems  500Mw scale.
L. Automatic transmission internal hydraulic oil pump feeding the flywheel assembly oil pressure
M. Pneumatic over pressure safety valve ( vents over pressure / air argon )
N. pressure rated oil fill tube and pressure cap / also vents pneumatic pressure with internal safety valve within the cap
O. Electric pressure sensor connects to motor system mapping circuit boards to regulate motor systems
P. electric thru bore electrical current transfer slip ring
Q. over pressure valve  oil return tube dumps oil back to the combined component pressure storage tank

*Note  -  From "B" to "L" is a regulator valve also acting as a flow restriction dampener
( valve ) for the silicone oil also able to be manually operated... functioning with system "all stop" safety system

* Note - "E" drives the inner gear of " D" then to advance the fly wheel twice mechanically.. the inner gears then are the sum of three about 360 degrees and lock to the inner gear about the circumference of the "fly wheel via connecting tube drive shaft and mounting assembly.

* Note "E" also contains over pressure tube to "J" venting any hydraulic over pressure of the silicone oil... for systems safe operation.

* Note - regarding "F" the the core drive shaft (not depicted)  then rotated by hydraulic pressure flow , then inserts into the core of the redesigned wheel / flywheel with drive gear
             then rotating the "ring gear" in the redesigned wheel as a flywheel,  to then advance the system twice..where as  part "E" becomes then a hydraulic pump as well...