Internal Combustion Engine Modification
The following internal combustion engine modification is then causing the system to operate upon pressurization differentiation with electric assist and hydraulic flow counter tilt for a ratio gear set then causing the engines vacuum pump to operate at hyper capacity.
Parts List
1. pulley
2. drive belt
3. crank shaft pulley
4. pulley
5. potentiometer / variable resistor "throttle"
6. solenoid ( valve control )
7. valve also is able to be operated by manual lever to then cause in assistance of the "Start up" cycle... in
tandem with number 12
8. pneumatic pressure distributor
9. air compressor and generator ( high voltage) with p.m. ( permanent magnet ) Magneto and internal voltage
regulator roller wheel commutator contract "brushes"
10. voltage regulator
11. valve control solenoid
12. Throttle valve ( pneumatic flow works in tandem with potentiometer / variable resistor number 5 - also is
able to be operated by manual lever to then cause in assistance of the "Start up" cycle...
13. vacuum manifold
14. engine "block" / the cam in the cylinder heads then drives the engines block oil pump
15. vacuum pipe
16. vacuum union chamber
17. automotive transmission
18. drive shaft
19. control electronics mounting position ( system mapping control circuit box contains electrical power management )
20. hydraulic "gear set counter tilt" impeller
21. vacuum pump internal 1: 150 ratio gear set high side rotation ( the 150 side of the ratio gear set ) tandem
to the vacuum pump input rotation. The pneumatic out flow pipe then returning to the pneumatic top half of
the dual component pressure tank
22. electric motor
23. piston chamber intake valve
24. piston chamber exhaust valve ( under vacuum suction )
25. one way valve
26. vacuum flow pipe
27. negative pressure tank ( vacuum tank )
28. vacuum level sensor ( maximum vacuum safety unit - allows air in under excessive vacuum )
29. pneumatic over pressure safety valve - vents over pressure contains actuation sensor reports to
system logic / mapping electronics with fault indicator actuation lamp
30. pneumatic pressure and oil pressure tank ( silicone oil as a hydraulic fluid )
31. oil fill pressure safe pressure tank screw cap
32. oil drain
33. air compressor also acts as a pneumatic impeller
34. cylinder bore ( the system works for 4, 6, 8 and 10 cylinder engine systems )
35. pneumatic "Start valve" ( note - when starting the system the stored air pressure in the dual component
pressure tank, number 30 then, by the valve, number 35 then causes the air pressure to vent out the
air filter, number 36 post number 33 ( " after producing rotation in number 33). This is the "Start up" mode of
the impeller function of the of the air compressor. The pneumatic switch valve redirects flow direction at the
crossing of the two pipes by geared tumbler with flow direction ports.
36. intake air filter
37. pneumatic flow pipe
38. pneumatic flow pipe
39. pneumatic flow pipe
40. electric motor - wires connect to number 19 , system mapping logic / control / system mapping
41. hydraulic ( oil pump )
42. oil flow line / pipe
43. one way oil flow valve
* Note -The system chassis mounting then is electrically insulated from the motor modification. The drive shaft too then containing an electric insulator to then prevent any induces or static electricity from pneumatic flow from electrifying the drive shaft. The system contains a static electricity "plasma box" within number 19 to then harvest and static electricity formed from pneumatic or hydraulic flow. ( ie.... the flow pipes are grounded to the plasma box and insulated with an electricity insulator upon the exterior of the flow pipe).
Design Desk Inc.