Hover Motor

"Hover Motor " is a design system to demonstrate that a sealed pressurized heavier than air object / system can then lift itself without pneumatic discharge from the device. The design mimics Anti gravity...... the system uses inert non conductive Noble gas ( Argon ) as the working fluid at high pressure per square inch.

Parts list

1. Electric draft jet assembly sum of 4 about 360 degrees at zero degrees and 180 degrees
2. Electric draft jet assembly sum of 4 about 360 degrees at 90 degrees and 270 degrees
3. Electric draft jet assembly sum of 4 about 360 degrees mounting positions at quadrant points
4. Ratio gear system counter  "tilt"  deck sum of four electric jet systems
5. Cooling systems / compressors...
6. Cooling systems switching  and directional flow control valves
7. Cooling condenser
8. Evaporator / cools the transference medium to chill the generator
9. 1:10 ratio gear set high side rotation to number 18
10.  Pneumatic flow rate meter
11.  Generator cooling medium flow pumps redundant two times
12.  Pneumatic flow tube
13. Bearing race and electrical transference bearing system / commutator
14. Argon return tube coil tube offsets the force "static"  result then by extracting the Argon horizontally and coiling the return tube in a spiraling fashion to then allow the
     gas to re - enter the top / intake of the main electric jet assembly.
15. Tube spiral coil return tube ( inner coil  tube )
16.  Argon pressure containment pressure retainer sphere
17.  Impeller injection manifold pressure tube ( Argon )
18. Centrifugal pneumatic compressor
19. Centrifugal pneumatic impeller ( also contains max pressure safety pressure relief system , vents pressure to core chamber )
20. 1: 10 ratio gear set oil fill ( silicone oil ) non flammable non conductive electrically / R.P.M. ( revolution per minute sensors - redundant 4 times ).
21. One way valve "fill valve"  ( Argon Gas ) inert noble gas
22. Pressure vent / gate valve  / electric and manual operation
23. Pressure gate valve motivator systems .. opens and closes the valve
24. High voltage electric motor also permanent magnetic dynamo ( dynamo initial start feed current )
25. High velocity high pressure Argon return tube
26. Electronic control systems
27. Electronic control systems
28. Fuel less generator system and all required flight systems  / navigation communications / gimbal... etc....
29. Argon pressure sensor "bank " redundant sensors
30. High Voltage generator and transonic impeller velocity discharge "pneumatic Argon/ or air" into venturi funnel

      the venturi discharges into a negative pressure chamber with the high speed horizontal electric jets

      then producing low pressure / vacuum negative pressure to then return the working "fluid" working gas

      to the top of the system  in 90 degree "horizontal spiral return system into the sphere to off set

      the "static force in the return cycle.
31. Transonic compressor
32. Shaft dynamo ( feeds electricity to system components )
33. Circumference commutator for the high voltage generator transonic impeller

Note - Rotational components then connected by core drive shafts ....  from the low side of the ratio gear set the core drive shaft then connecting ( tandem rotation ) 9, 19, and 30.  Then upon the high rotational side of the ratio gear set, number 9, the core drive shaft then connecting ( tandem rotation ) armature of 32 , 31, and 18.

Note - Venturi / funnel ( pneumatic flow compressor may also then be inserted upon the core chamber post pneumatic impeller / generator ( number 30 ) to then focus the high velocity pneumatic discharge. The exhaust of the funnel then aligned to the base of the mechanism venting into the vacuum/ low pressure chamber to then allow the gas to enter the return jets and  coil tube, ie. return flow tube. Small orifice of the funnel then venting down ward and the larger circumference then toward the pneumatic impeller / generator, number 30.

Note - Argon discharge from number 18 then may be direct via pressure tube with variable valve and additional safety system, for safe operation, to an addition pneumatic impeller then tandem rotating with the transonic impeller / high voltage generator number 30. the then venting Argon will vent from the additional pneumatic impeller to the core chamber ( main pneumatic force cycle )

* Note - number 30 and number 24 are also able to be interchangeable ... ie the positions / functions in the others respective positions.. number 24 where number 30 is depicted .. and number 30 where number 24 is depicted....

Note - The distance between number 3 and number 30 may be increased to then provide a greater thrust displacement length within the core displacement chamber....

This system is then intended to "draft itself  into increased velocity producing more electricity while doing so.... this then caused sustained high pressure at the "top / intake" of the mechanism and a negative pressure / vacuum  at the base of the system.  The coiling return force "static" in the math is then off set by horizontal extraction and re- introduction of the working  "fluid" ( Argon gas ) to then cause a sustained lift effect.

The design system is intended for Asteroid mitigation when incorporated in multiple assemblies also then used in tandem with our "Static Compressor" design system.
The oil impeller then within the ratio gear box is the shape then between number 19 and number 9 and rotated in tandem with number 19.

Note - number 19 and number 18 then also contain pressure sensors to report to the logic processing system also then to  contain max pressure safety valves to then cause safe operating of the lift system. The max pressure safety valves then to vent into the main velocity flow chamber.

Design Desk Inc.

Geoengineering - Climate Change Mitigation