Design Desk Inc.

Geoengineering - Climate Change Mitigation

Argon Draft Cycle Engine

The design will be used for an unlimited range electric pneumatic ( Argon ) automobile that does not require manual re filling of the operating pressure ( Argon ).

The following engine system is a piston impeller system, that recycles the operating  "working" pressure, then being inert non electrically conductive noble gas ( Argon).  The design then being a "pneumatic electric automotive engine system providing unlimited range without having to refill the pneumatic ( argon) pressure also freeing the driver from the continual expense of having to pay for the fuel / electricity / or purchased pressure , to then motivate an automotive engine....

Components list

  1. Crank shaft pulley
  2. Electric Motor
  3. Pneumatic (argon), injector
  4. Pneumatic (argon), injection manifold
  5. Variable flow rate electric pneumatic (argon), valve
  6. Flow pipe coupling
  7. In-line (tube) pneumatic filter
  8. Main pneumatic (argon), flow pipe
  9. Flywheel
  10. Pneumatic “throttle” body housing
  11. Main flow pneumatic (argon), filter
  12. Pneumatic (argon) injection manifold
  13. Pneumatic vent
  14. Argon pressure tank
  15. Argon return port
  16. One-way flow valve (mechanical redundant spring retention
  17. Pneumatic (argon), impeller
  18. Pneumatic (argon) centrifugal turbo compressor / ultra-high speed
  19. Electric motor
  20. Electric clutch assembly (clutch disk / pressure plate / solenoid throw out master slave – spring retention)
  21. Turbo compressor (argon)
  22. Hall effect R.P.M. (revolutions per minute) sensor
  23. Mechanical oil pump and filter assembly (contains oil level indicator / dipstick)
  24. High voltage Ac (alternating current) Generator
  25. Electric motor
  26. Argon flow pipe
  27. Pneumatic (argon), impeller – counter tilt flow
  28. 1: 20 ratio gear set (high side rotation tandem to number 18
  29. Small sprocket
  30. Small sprocket
  31. Large sprocket
  32. small pulley
  33. Electric multi-port flow valve Air filter (“open run” fill cycle should a leak be occurring in the pneumatic argon flow system)
  34. Air filter (louvered intake)
  35. One-way fill valve
  36. One-way flow valve
  37. Generator Ac with magneto and internal volt regulator
  38. Pneumatic system “Start” impeller
  39. Pneumatic dual port “start” cycle flow valve cable actuation
  40. Vacuum tank (negative pressure)
  41. Vacuum pump
  42. One-way flow valve
  43. Pneumatic (argon) impeller
  44. Hall effect R.P.M. sensor
  45. 1:10 ratio gear set (high side tandem with number 43 contains internal counter tilt pneumatic impeller
  46. Pneumatic (argon) impeller
  47. Vacuum level sensor (electric)
  48. Piston cylinder
  49. Exhaust valve / rocker assembly – driven by internal cam then under the injection manifold
  50. Pneumatic intake valve – driven by cam then under the intake injection manifold
  51. Pneumatic (argon) flow pipe
  52. Injection manifold max pressure safety valve (vents external mechanical spring retention)
  53. Over pressure safety valve with reclamation vent tube
  54. Drive chain casing
  55. Drive chain
  56. Pneumatic (argon) reclamation tube
  57. Pneumatic (argon) flow tube (“Start” cycle)
  58. Pneumatic (argon) reclamation tube
  59. Pneumatic high pressure flow tube
  60. Automotive transmission
  61. Pneumatic (argon gas pressure sensor)
  62. Temperature sensor
  63. Brush assembly ( for electric motor number 2
  64. Main pneumatic (argon) impeller
  65. Armature tandem with piston crank shaft
  66. Main pneumatic (argon)impeller control valve (electric)
  67. Counter tilt control valve
  68. Potentiometer variable resistor


The system is electrically grounded also then designed to dissipate any unwanted static electricity build up via a capacitor system attached to a coil also then to arc discharge,  with electrodes, dissipating  electrical charge.... ( also via blower fans cooling the electronics ). The unwanted electrical current that may occur in the flow tubes is then controlled. The flow pipes also insulated with electrical insulation material. 

The system is also able to "run" open flow ( ie. then cycling air if need be required due to the system leaking). Due to the fact that the compressors and impellers are operating at high speed the material selection of choice will be stainless steel to prevent rust . The high speed components also are then housed in additional "shock casing" to prevent defect from causing injury should a component fail due to manufacturing defect.

The "idea" of this automotive engine system is to then replace the working pressure faster than it is displaced then yielding a constant feed of operating pressure then augmented with the electrical pressure then applied to an electric motor , number 2, to then cause the forward advancement of magnetic pressure ( in number 2 ) yielding  high rate of rotation of the engine block's crank shaft and automotive transmission drive line to then be able to sustain sufficient speed of a vehicle  upon the road way. The design is also the scalable.... to then accommodate large semi truck models with variable horse power rating for the main electric assist motor number 2.

The piston type impeller system may then be in a number of formats with the same draft accelerator system contained in the total system,. Since this is a vapor engine system standard motor oil will

not work.  Standard motor oils do vaporize and produce combustion hazards..., so with that in mind this system will require a non flammable non electrically conductive oil for lubrication such as a silicone oil or other type of oil with the same properties.

The engine block oil pan will contain an injection flow tube system that will when required drain the argon pressure tank of any oil then pumped by the engine block oil pump to then be injected in to the engine block oil pan.

The prior system mentioned engine block oil pump drain oil recovery is only used  intermittently to recapture and oil that had become vaporized. The oil pump works constantly to lubricate the entire internal systems of the engine block.  The engine block oil pump then also has the ability to bolt on, a  magnetic indication trip

switch ( driven by the oil pump recess drive interlock ) then communicating with the  system logic circuits causing the argon injection valves ( number 3 )  to activate.

This is then allowing for more argon to then flood the piston chamber. There is also a redundant magnetic trip switch then driven by the drive belt system motivated by the crankshaft pulley that will also communicate with the control electronics to act as a fail safe to actuate the argon injectors , number 3's.

The "engine  block" ( piston type impeller ) is then similar to the internal combustion engine containing many similar parts. The lubrication system then as an oil pump then driven by the  internal cam gear with a chain and drive chain sprocket system then located under the motor to then allow for quick oil filter exchange.

The upper drive sprocket for the oil pump assembly is then upon the terminal end of the " in-block " cam shaft that lifts the lifters /  push rods, then operating the rockers for the intake and exhaust valves upon the engine block piston chamber "cylinder heads". The cylinders and connecting rods to the internal engine crank shaft are lubricated as well as the lifters that ride upon the internal cam. Crank shaft terminal ends then also contain oil / pressure seals.

The crank shaft pulley then will drive additional components 12v Dc alternator, air conditioner compressor, and power steering units / power break units (sum of two independent units).

*Note - upon the "Start" cycle assembly numbers 38,28 and number 27... the orientation of the ratio gear set is so that the high side of rotation is then tandem rotating with number 37.

*Note -  a percentile of number 24 feeds electrical current to number 25  causing a "baug resistant " electrical power ban in the generator number 24 to then be applied to number 2.  The system is then made "loading reactive" ie. as more power is requested from number 24  by number 2 the generator will feed more electrical current to number 25 causing a greater "draft effect" (of Argon) as well.

The system will also work in transverse format for front  wheel drive or all wheel drive  automobiles,....... The depiction above then being an "in-line" rear wheel drive format.

*Note - clarification to schematic... the argon reclamation tube from number 53 then mounted upon the main pressure storage tank, then merges with the tube then entering the vacuum tank , number 40 .

*Note - the "base idle" is then in two fashions.. first a base idle solenoid then mounted upon number 10 will allow an adjustable flow of pneumatic pressure to pass through the system when the solenoid is electrified. The solenoid then also has a spring retention system ( dual springs) to then keep the pushing core shaft of the solenoid then into the closed position then connected to the throttle valve number 10.

The second method of attaining the "base idle" is then by the electronics system allowing for electricity to motivate the electric motor to 800 R.P.M ( revolutions per minute). Number 68 ( potentiometer) is also actuated in tandem with the pressure valve ( throttle valve ) then  actuated by the foot pedal accelerator pedal within the automobile.

* Note - there also exist within this system redundancy for the low tension 12v Dc functions then by transformer then in the electronics systems to compensate for the loss of the alternator  should the belt break. The other belt driven components ( upon the engine "block" ) also have this feature as they also contain electric motors within themselves.

*Note -The vacuum tank will reset it's vacuum level for the subsequent restart.


* Note - Additional flow tube then as a pressure relief cycle from number 5 prior to number  64 upon the flow tube number 51 then directed ( via high pressure pipe ) to the 1:10 ratio gear set counter tilt impeller contained within number 45 then as the primary counter tilt flow system also then venting post 45's internal impeller ( dual directional exhaust valve also allowing for safety pressure dump cycle as safety pressure relief valve upon the dual exhaust port valve ..cycle allowing pressure to enter number 40). ie one out flow to the tank, ( main pressure storage tank number 14) with a  one way flow valve upon the final length of the flow tube into number 14 and one port setting upon the exhaust valve to the vacuum tank , number 40 with safety valve then between exhaust ports for pipe safety .

* Note - a "basal" idle pressure feed pipe for the compounding draft accelerator ( number 17 and 18 and connected assembly) feeds  Argon pressure. The  tube then from number 63 ( a two chamber interior ) then venting for the "idle" argon pressure to feed to number 17 and 18 with the tube then entering number 5 prior to the intake to number 17. The additional flow tube then with one way valve and regulation dampener valve as well as a valve fault indication sensor with manual "all stop" upon the electric valve. This allows the drive chain driven,  Argon draft cycle/ generator to still operate at velocity while the piston impeller systems is at low idle.

* Note - the excess electricity produced from then generators numbers 37 and 24 is then voltage regulated in the systems electronics control and the electrical current is then fed through number 10

( a potentiometer / variable resistor) to then control the electrical  current to the main electric

motor (number 2). Please note the "draft accelerator containing number 17 and 18 the has a load reactive re-introduction of electricity feeding a percentile of electrical current to its rotation ( ie 17 and 18's connected assembly) then feeding electrical pressure to numbers 19 and 25 to then cause a "load reactive"  stable "power ban" in number  24. Number 37's additional current then is used when required for the terrain incline load weight that the vehicle is carrying.